

INGREDIENTS ⦁ 2 large orange  ⦁ 125g butter  ⦁ 1/2 cup castor sugar  ⦁ 2 eggs lightly beaten  ⦁ 1 cup self Raising flour  ⦁ 1/2cup wholemeal self raising flour  ⦁ 1/2 tsp baking soda  ⦁ 1/2cup plain yoghurt  ⦁ 2 table spoons milk  Orange syrup  ⦁ 1 cup castor sugar  ⦁ 2tbsp orange flower water or brandy(optional)  1. Preheat the oven to moderate 180C. Line a lightly greased , square shallow tin with non stick baking paper, over hanging two opposite sides.  2. Squeeze 2/3cup juice from the oranges and reserve for the orange syrup. Roughly chop the skin and pulp of one orange, then finely chop in a food processor. Set aside.  3. Beat the butter and sugar with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the egg a little at a time, beating well after each addition.  4. Sift the flours and baking soda. Combine the yoghurt, milk and orange pulp. Alternately fold the dry and liquid ingredients into the butter mixture with a metal spoon. Spread into the Tin and bake for


Ingredients ⦁ 1 large riped banana , mashed ⦁ 1 cup (250ml) milk ⦁ 1 egg ⦁ 125g butter, melted ⦁ 185g self- raising flour ⦁ 125g castor sugar ⦁ 130g choc bits 1. Preheat oven to 190oC. In a large bowl, combine banana,milk, egg, melted butter. Add flour, sugar, choc bits and mix until just combined.  2. Spoon mixture into well-greased 1/2cup capacity muffin tins. Bake for 20 minutes or until muffins are cooked when tested with a skewer. Turn onto wire racks to cool. Serve and enjoy! See you in my next post, bye bye!👋


INGREDIENTS ⦁ 250g plain sweet biscuits ⦁ 120g butter,melted ⦁ 1/3cup (40g) custard powder ⦁ 1 cup (40g) castor sugar ⦁ 1/2cup (60g) corn flour ⦁ 3cups (750ml) milk ⦁ 1cuo (250ml) lemon juice ⦁ 60g butteer ⦁ 3 egg yolks ⦁ whipped cream and chocolate curls to derve 1. Line a 8*12 inch shallow tin with a nonstick b.paper, overhanging two opposite sides. 2, Finely  crush the biscuits in a food processor. Add the melted butter amd mix well.npress firmly into the tin and refridgerate while making the filling. 3. Put the custard powder,sugar and dcornflour in a pan. Mix the milk and lime juice with 3/4 cup of water and gradually stir into the pan. Stir over medium heat for 5mins, or until custard boils and thickens.Remove from the Heat and cool a little. Whisk in the butter and egg yolk.  4. Pour over the base and chill for 2-3 hours. Decorate with the whipped cream and chocolate to serve. Enjoy! See you in my next post, bye bye!👋


INGREDIENTS ⦁ 2 1/4 cups (280g) plain flour ⦁ 1tsp mixed spice ⦁ 1/3 cup (80g) soft brown sugar ⦁ 200g butter ⦁ 2tbsp lemon juice ⦁ 300g dried fruit medley ⦁ 2/3 cup (170ml) orange juice 1. Preheat the oven to moderately hot 180C. line a lightly greased , 8*12 shallow tin with nonstick b.paper, overhanging opposite sides. 2. Process the flour,mixed spice, sugar and butter in a food processor using the pulse actiion until fine and crumbly. Add the lemon juice and process breifly until well moistened. 3. set aside a cup aof the pastry mixture and press the rest firmly into the tin with the back of a spoon. Smooth the surface and bake for 15-20mins, Leave to cool completely. 4. Put the dried fruit and orange juice in a small oan and stir over medium heat for 10-15mins , or until fruit is soft and juice evaporated. transfer to bowl to cool. Spread over the pastry. Crumble the reserved pastry mixture over the top and bake for 20 mins or until golden. allow to cool before cutti


  Ingredients ⦁ 125g butter  ⦁ 1 cup castor sugar ⦁ 2tsp grated lime rind ⦁ 2 eggs lightly beaten ⦁ 1/2 cup , 30g shredded coconut ⦁ 1 3/4 , 215g cups self raising flour ⦁ 2tbsp lime juice  ⦁ 1/2 cup , 125ml cocnut milk Lime and coconut frosting ⦁ 1 1/2 cups icing sugar sifted ⦁ 20g butter, melted ⦁ 1tsp grated lime rind ⦁ 1-2 tbsp lime juice ⦁ 1/2 cup, 30g shredded coconut, slightly roasted 1. preheat the oven to moderate 180C. line a lightly greased, shallow tin(8*12inch) with non-stick baking paper, over-hanging two opposites sides. 2.Beat the butter, sugar and lime rind with electric beaters until light and creamy. Add the egg a little at a time, beating well after each addition. 3. Mix in the coconut. sift the flour and fold into the mixture alternately with the lime juice and coconut milk. Spread the mixture evenly into the tin and bake for 30 minutes,or until firm. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes before turning onto a wire rack. 4. To make the frosting,


 Ingredients ⦁ 1 cup (125g) plain flour ⦁ 1/2cup (60g) self-raising flour ⦁ 150g butter ⦁ 1/2cup (60g) icing sugar ⦁ 1 egg yolk ⦁ 1/2cup (150g) strawberry jam ⦁ 1/2cup (125g) castor sugar ⦁ 3 eggs ⦁ 3cups (270g) desiccated coconut 1. Line a lightly greased, shallow square tin (9inch) with non-stick baking paper, overhanging two opposites sides. Preheat the oven to moderate 180C 2. Put the flours, butter, icing sugar in a food proccessor and, using the pulse action, mix until fine and crumbly. Add the egg yolk and process until the mixture just commes together . Press the dough into the tin and chill for 10 minutes. 3. bake for 15 minutes, until golden brown. Cool, then spread with the jam. 4. beat the sugar and eggs together, then stir in the coconut. Spread over the jam, pressing down with the back of a spoon. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until lightly golden. leave to cool and cut into pieces and serve. Enjoy! **can be kept for 4 days in an airtight container.**      


Ingredients  2 tbsp sugar , white or light brown Baking soda , small pinch (it's hard to measure, but about 1/32 tsp) 1). Add the sugar to a ladle and then hold it over low heat. Stir around the sugar with a chopstick from time to time until it starts to melt. The sugar will start to melt around the edges first and it usually takes about 1 minute to reach this point. Once this happens, start stirring more vigorously. You also need to control the heat, by lifting the ladle off or moving it closer to your heat source. It will take about 3-4 minutes to completely liquidize; it should end up smooth with no lumps. 2).Bring the ladle to the side of the stove (no heat area), and slowly and carefully add a pinch of baking soda. Make sure you don’t add too much, as it can burn quickly and make the dalgona taste bitter. Stir quickly and thoroughly until the baking soda is fully dissolved; You will see the mixture turning into a light caramel-color. While stirring, bring the ladle closer to t

Soy Garlic Sauce

  Ingredients 1/4   cup   sugar 1 1/2   tbsp   soy sauce 1 1/2   tbsp   vinegar 1 1/2   tbsp   water 1/4   tsp   garlic   1   tsp   cornstarch 1/2   tbsp   water   Instructions In a sauce pan, mix in sugar, water, soy sauce, vinegar and garlic. Bring to a boil. Prepare cornstarch mixture by dissolving 1tsp cornstarch with water. Pour in cornstarch mixture and stir. Simmer until sauce thickens. Remove from heat, transfer to a sauce bowl and serve. See you in my  next post, bye bye!  

Atte ka halwa

Ingredients  1   cup   ghee / clarified butter 1   cup   wheat flour / atta ¼   tsp   cardamom powder 1   cup   sugar 3   cup   water 1). F irstly, in a large saucepan heat 1 cup ghee. A dd in 1 cu p wheat flour and mix well without forming any lumps.  roast on low to medium flame stirring continuously. 2). After 14 minutes, the mixture will start to turn golden and aromatic. slowly after 20 minutes, the mixture will turn dark golden brown indicating wheat flour has cooked completely. keep aside. 3).  Now in a saucepan take 1 cup sugar and 3 cup water. Stir well-dissolving sugar and boil for 2 minutes. no need to get thread consistency sugar syrup. Pour the hot boiling sugar syrup over wheat mixture stirring continuously. 4).  Be careful as the mixture will splutter. Keep stirring continuously, till the wheat flour will absorb all the water. Continue to cook for 5 minutes stirring continuously without forming lumps. Now add ¼ tsp cardamom powder and mix well. Finally, serve atte ka hal


Ingredients 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 brown onion, halved, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 500g lean beef mince 1 carrot, peeled, coarsely grated 25g (1/4 cup) powdered gravy (Gravox Traditional brand) 250ml (1 cup) boiling water 2 sheets (25 x 25cm) ready-rolled shortcrust pastry, just thawed 2 sheets (25 x 25cm) ready-rolled puff pastry, just thawed       1 egg, lightly whisked Tomato ketchup, to serve Step 1 Heat  oil Unsure of the quantity needed? Click on the underlined  ingredient  to reveal the quantity. No need to flip back and forth! OK, GOT IT  in a medium frying pan over medium heat. Add  onion  and  garlic  and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until onion softens. Add the  mince  and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up any lumps, for 5 minutes or until mince changes colour. Add the  carrot  and stir until well combined. Step 2 Meanwhile, place  gravy powder  in a heatproof jug. Add boiling  water  and whisk with a fork until combined. Add to mince mixture an